As of recent, quite a few things have taken place from my car's harmonic balancer going out, to a guy at the bar that I work with calling me an Uncle Tom (needless to say I called him an ignorant motherfucker right back which almost led to fighting), to really just being in my apartment by myself. My roommate is in New York and I'm in the process of moving in with my girlfriend and I'm also job hunting...AGAIN! My job is really not paying enough for me to live comfortably but I still like being a server. The food service industry is trying at times, but its flexible and pays well outside of where I work at. Going back a week, my vacation in South Carolina was great. It was much needed and I enjoyed being out and a part of nature with my family. Even the late nights trying to learn how to play Bid Wiz from my grandma (who never really put together a consistent set of rules) was fun. It gave me company, and people to just sit down and talk to. I've started working out consistently again, so I do feel good about my mornings and feel proactive about my days, so now all I'm really doing is waiting. The only problem with waiting...a lot of the times I wait by my self.
From this I can say I'm learning. I'm learning some sort of patience, and figuring things out about my personality, my art, and seeing things in life and doing them by myself. I was always one to need a second opinion, but now, the isolation forces decisions.
I've also been considering where I want to take my graduate studies. I'm 80(something)% on Savannah College of Art and Design Atlanta, so really its just time to buckle down even more and continue to get my portfolio together. I've started working on a series of 13" x 13" panels paintings goings strictly abstract. Using litho crayons, charcoal, paint, gel mediums, I have been just experimenting with gesture and space. How many I will do I'm not sure, but that will come in time. So far I only have 2.
From this I can say I'm learning. I'm learning some sort of patience, and figuring things out about my personality, my art, and seeing things in life and doing them by myself. I was always one to need a second opinion, but now, the isolation forces decisions.
I've also been considering where I want to take my graduate studies. I'm 80(something)% on Savannah College of Art and Design Atlanta, so really its just time to buckle down even more and continue to get my portfolio together. I've started working on a series of 13" x 13" panels paintings goings strictly abstract. Using litho crayons, charcoal, paint, gel mediums, I have been just experimenting with gesture and space. How many I will do I'm not sure, but that will come in time. So far I only have 2.